Welcome to Jiangsu Sutie Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd. by Share Ltd official website!

Gas hole plate series
Gas hole plate series...
Hot blast furnace grate and pillar
Hot blast furnace grate a...
Sintering trolley
Sintering trolley...
Coke oven rising pipe
Coke oven rising pipe...
All kinds of heat preservation cock
All kinds of heat preserv...
Gas cock series
Gas cock series...
Type of boiler type coke oven water seal type brid
Type of boiler type coke ...
Water body, cover with a variety of furnace type
Water body, cover with a ...
Type of boiler type coke oven water seal type brid
Type of boiler type coke ...
Type of boiler type coke oven water seal type brid
Type of boiler type coke ...
Type of boiler type coke oven water seal type brid
Type of boiler type coke ...
A variety of furnace
A variety of furnace...
Coke oven column
Coke oven column...
TL type catamaran exhaust gas exchange shutter
TL type catamaran exhaust...
Jiangsu Sutie Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
      Jiangsu Sutie Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd is based on the original "Jiangdu Metallurgical Machinery Factory" through restructuring, Siwon in 1968, is the domestic production of iron furnace coking, coke oven equipment, furnace door, frame, protection board, shutter, bridge pipe, valve, plug and other professional factory, and Anshan coking and refractory Institute, Shanxi hospital design unit has a close cooperation relationship and good examples of cooperation. ...
Optimization and improvement of coking technology of...
   The definition of large coke oven is changed with the increasing volume of coking chamber and the progress of coking technology. In the mid-1980s, the main stream of coke ovens in China was the 4.3m-high top mounted coke oven. The 5.5m-high top mounted co[Detailed information]
Optimization and improvement of coking technology of large coke oven i... [2020-04-13]
Address: Jiangsu River City Cao Wang Lin Yuanchang
Contact: Field Manager
Contact phone: 13952531456
座机:0514-86409238 0514-86408076
Tel: 0514-86409238 0514-86408076
Copyright:Jiangsu Sutie Metallurgical Machinery Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Telephone:13952531456      Fax:0514-86409486       Address:Jiangsu River City Cao Wang Lin Yuanchang
The door frame protection plate closure furnace coking equipment iron furnace protection
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